




研究领域: 冷原子分子物理,量子计量学,非平衡物理


2009.09-2013.07 华北电力大学(保定),物理系,学士

2013.09-2018.07 中国人民大学,物理系,博士


2021.03—至今 深圳量子科学与工程研究院,博士后

2018.03-2021.01 俄克拉何马大学,量子研究与技术中心,博士后


(1) Jianwen Jie, Yonghong Yu, Dajun Wang, and Peng Zhang, Laser Control of Singlet-Pairing Process in anUltracold Spinor Mixture, Phys. Rev. A 103, 053321 (2021).

(2) Jianwen Jie, Shan Zhong, Qimin Zhang, Isaiah Morgenstern, Hio Giap Ooi, Q. Guan, Anita Bhagat, DelaramNematollahi, A. Schwettmann, and D. Blume, Dynamical mean-field driven spinor condensate physics beyondthe single-mode approximation, submitted for publication (2021).

(3) Jianwen Jie, Q. Guan, S. Zhong, A. Schwettmann, and D. Blume, Mean-field spin-oscillation dynamicsbeyond the single-mode approximation for a harmonically trapped spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate,Phys.Rev. A 102, 023324 (2020)

(4) Jianwen Jie, Q. Guan, and D. Blume,Spinor Bose-Einstein condensate interferometer within the undepletedpump approximation: Role of the initial state,Phys. Rev. A 100, 043606 (2019)

(5) Jianwen Jie, Ran Qi, and Peng Zhang,Universal relations of an ultracold Fermi gas with arbitrary spin-orbitcoupling,Phys. Rev. A 97, 053602 (2018)

(6) Fang Qin, Jianwen Jie, Wei Yi, and Guang-Can Guo,High-momentum tail and universal relations of a Fermigas near a Raman-dressed Feshbach resonance,Phys. Rev. A 97, 033610 (2018)

(7) Jianwen Jie and Peng Zhang,Center of Mass Momentum Dependent Interaction Between Ultracold Atoms,Phys. Rev. A 95, 060701 (R) (2017)

(8) Jianwen Jie and Ran Qi,Exact two-body solutions and quantum defect theory of two-dimensional dipolar quantum gas,J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 49, 194003 (2016).

(9) Jianwen Jie, Yawen Zhang, and Peng Zhang,Suppression of two-body collisional losses in an ultracold gasvia the Fano effect,Phys. Rev. A 93, 022705 (2016).

(10) Peng Zhang and Jianwen Jie ,Effect of the short-range interaction on low-energy collisions of ultracolddipoles,Phys. Rev. A 90, 062714,(2014)