刘书萍 研究助理教授
电 话(办公室):
2011.08-2016.07 博士 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所
2014.10-2015.10 博士联培 捷克科学院物理研究所
2011.08-2012.08 博士代培 中国科学技术大学
2007.09-2011.07 学士 武汉理工大学
2019.08—至今 深圳量子科学与工程研究院,研究助理教授
2017.02-2019.07 法国国家科学研究中心,PSL大学,国立巴黎高等化学学校,博士后
(1) S. Liu#, A. Fossati#, D. Serrano, A. Tallaire, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, Defect engineering for quantum grade rare-earth nanocrystals, ACS Nano 14 (8), 9953-9962, 2020.
(2) A. Fossati#, S. Liu#, J. Karlsson, A. Ikesue, A. Tallaire, A. Ferrier, D. Serrano, P. Goldner, A frequency-multiplexed coherent electro-optic memory in rare earth doped nanoparticles. Nano Letters 20 (10), 7087-7093, 2020.
(3) B. Casabone#, C. Deshmukh#, S. Liu, D. Serrano, A. Ferrier, T. Hümmer, P. Goldner, D. Hunger, H. de Riedmatten, Dynamic control of Purcell enhanced emission of erbium ions in nanoparticles, Nature Communications, in print, arXiv:2001.08532, 2021.
(4) D. Serrano, C. Deshmukh, S. Liu, A. Tallaire, A. Ferrier, H. de Riedmatten, P. Goldner, Coherent optical and spin spectroscopy of nanoscale Pr3+:Y2O3. Physical Review B 2019, 100 (14), 144304.
(5) S. Liu, D. Serrano, A. Fossati, A. Tallaire, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, Controlled size reduction of rare earth doped nanoparticles for optical quantum technologies, RSC Advances, 8(65): 37098-37104, 2018.
(6) S. Liu, J. A. Mares, V. Babin, C. Hu, H. Kou, C. D’Ambrosio, J. Li, Y. Pan, M. Nikl, Composition and properties tailoring in Mg2+ codoped non-stoichiometric LuAG:Ce,Mg ceramic scintillators, Journal of European Ceramic Society, 37 (4), 1689-1694, 2017.
(7) S. Liu, J. A. Mares, X. Feng, A. Vedda, M. Fasoli, Y. Shi, H. Kou, A. Beitlerova, L. Wu, C. D’Ambrosio, Y. Pan, M. Nikl, Towards bright and fast Lu3Al5O12:Ce,Mg optical ceramics scintillators, Advanced Optical Materials, 4 (5), 731-39, 2016.
(8) S. Liu, X. Feng, M. Nikl, L. Wu, Z. Zhou, J. Li, H. Kou, Y. Zeng, Y. Shi, Y. Pan, Fabrication and scintillation performance of nonstoichiometric LuAG:Ce ceramics, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 98, 510-514, 2015.
(9) S. Liu, X. Feng, J. A. Mares, V. Babin, M. Nikl, A. Beitlerova, Y. Shi, Y. Zeng, Y. Pan, C. D’Ambrosio and Y. Huang, Optical, luminescence and scintillation characteristics of non-stoichiometric LuAG:Ce ceramics, Journal of Luminescence, 169, Part A, 72-77, 2016.
(10) S. Liu, J. A. Mares, V. Babin, C. Hu, H. Kou, C. D’Ambrosio, Y. Pan and M. Nikl, Effect of Reducing Lu3+ Content on the Fabrication and Scintillation Properties of Non-Stoichiometric Lu3Al5O12:Ce Ceramics. Optical Materials, 63, 179-184, 2017.
(11) S. Liu, X. Feng, J. A. Mares, V. Babin, C. Hu, H. Kou, C. D'Ambrosio, J. Li, Y. Pan and M. Nikl, Effect of Li+ ions co-doping on luminescence, scintillation properties and defects characteristics of LuAG:Ce ceramics, Optical Materials, 64, 245-249, 2017.
(12) S. Liu, X. Feng, Z. Zhou, M. Nikl, Y. Shi, Y. Pan, Effect of Mg2+ co-doping on the scintillation performance of LuAG:Ce ceramics, Physica Status Solidi RRL, 8, 105-109, 2014. (Cited by > 120).