余柏初 研究助理教授
2010.09-2014.07 中山大学 本科
2014.09-2019.11 中国科学技术大学 博士
2020.01-2022.01 新加坡国立大学量子技术中心 (Center for QuantumTechnology) 博士后研究人员
2022.02至今 深圳量子研究院 研究助理教授
1. Peter Sidajaya, Aloysius Dewen Lim, Baichu Yu, and Valerio Scarani, Neural Network Approach to the Simulation of
Entangled States with One Bit of Communication, Quantum 7, 1150 (2023)
2. Baichu Yu, Pooja Jayachandran, Adam Burchardt, Yu Cai, Nicolas Brunner,and Valerio Scarani, Absolutely entangled sets
of pure states for bipartitions and multipartitions, Phys. Rev. A 104, 032414. (2021)
3. Yu Cai, Baichu Yu, Pooja Jayachandran, Nicolas Brunner, Valerio Scarani and Jean-Daniel Bancal. Entanglement for any
definition of two subsystems. Phys. Rev. A 103,052432. (2021)
4. Yu Guo*, Bai-chu Yu* ( 共同一作), Bi-heng Liu, Yu-chun Wu, Guang-can Guo, Measurement-device-independent
quantification of irreducible high-dimensional entanglement, npj Quantum Information 6(1) : 1-6. (2020)
5. Bai-chu Yu, Zhih-ahn Jia, Yu-chun Wu, Guang-can Guo, Geometric Steering Criterion for Two-qubit States, Phys. Rev. A
97, 012130. (2018)
6. Bai-chu Yu, Zhih-ahn Jia, Yu-chun Wu, Guang-can Guo, Geometric local-hidden-state model for some two-qubit states,
Phys. Rev. A 98, 052345. (2018)
7. Zhih-ahn Jia, Rui Zhai, Bai-chu Yu, Yu-chun Wu, Guang-can Guo, Entropic no-disturbance as a physical principle, Phys.
Rev. A 97, 052128. (2018)