陈洁菲 副教授
2003.09-2007.07: 学士(物理学) 中山大学
2007.09-2009.01: 硕士(物理学)香港科技大学
2009.02-2012.02: 博士(物理学)香港科技大学
1. Wang, X. et al. Quantum Interference between Photons and Single Quanta of Stored Atomic Coherence. Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 083605 (2022).
2. Du. W. et al., SU(2)-in-SU(1,1) Nested Interferometer for High Sensitivity, Loss-Tolerant Quantum Metrology. Phys. Rev. Lett 128, 033601 (2022).
3. W. Du, J. F. Chen, Z. Y. Ou, W. Zhang, “Quantum dense metrology by an SU(2)-in-SU(1,1) nested interferometer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 024003 (2020).
4. Chenyu Zhang , J. F. Chen, Chaohan Cui, Jonathan P. Dowling, Z. Y. Ou, and Tim Byrnes, “Quantum teleportation of photonic qudits using linear optics”, Phys. Rev. A 100, 032330 (2019).
5. R. Wen, C. –L. Zou, X. Zhu, P. Chen, Z. Y. Ou, J. F. Chen* and W. Zhang*, “Non-Hermitian magnon-photon interference in an atomic ensemble”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 253602 (2019).
6. C. Yang, Z. Gu, P. Chen, Z. Qin, J. F. Chen*, and W. Zhang*, “Tomography of the temporal-spectral state of subnatural-linewidth single photons from atomic ensembles”, Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 054011 (2018).
7. X. Zhu, R. Wen and J. F. Chen*, “Tunable atom-light beam splitter using electromagnetically induced transparency”, Phys. Rev. A 97, 063801 (2018).
8. P. Qian, Z. Gu, R. Wen, W. Zhang, and J. F. Chen*, “Temporal interference with frequency-controllable long photons from independent cold atomic sources”, Phys. Rev. A 97, 013806 (2018).
9. P. Qian, Z. Gu, R. Cao, R. Wen, Z. Y. Ou, J. F. Chen*, and W. Zhang*, “Temporal purity and quantum interference of single photons from two independent cold atom ensembles”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 013602 (2016).
10. Han, Z., Qian, P., Zhou, L., Chen, J. F.* & Zhang, W.*, “Coherence time limit of the biphotons generated in a dense cold atom cloud”, Sci. Rep. 5, 9126 (2015).
11. Yan H, Chen J. F., “Narrowband polarization entangled paired photons with controllable temporal length”, Science China-Physics Mechanics and Astronomy 58: 074201 (2015).
12. J. F. Chen, Heejeong Jeong, M. M. T. Loy and Shengwang Du, "Optical precursors: from classical waves to single photons", Springer Brief in Physics, DOI 10.1007/978-981-4451-94-9 (2013).
13. J. F. Chen* and Shengwang Du*, “Narrowband photon pair generation and waveform reshaping”, Frontier of Physics 7, 494 (2012).
14. Shanchao Zhang, J. F. Chen, Chang Liu, Shuyu Zhou, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and Shengwang Du*, “A dark-line two-dimensional magneto-optical trap of 85Rb atoms with high optical depth”, Review of Scientific Instrument 83, 073102 (2012).
15. Shanchao Zhang, J. F. Chen, Chang Liu, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and Shengwang Du*, “Optical precursor of a single photon”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 243602 (2011).
16. Hui Yan, Shanchao Zhang, J. F. Chen, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and Shengwang Du*, "Generation of narrow-band hyperentangled nondegenerate paired photons," Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 033601 (2011).
17. J. F. Chen, Heejeong Jeong, L. Feng, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and Shengwang Du*, "Stacked optical precursors from amplitude and phase modulations," Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 223602 (2010).
18. J. F. Chen, S. Zhang, H. Yan, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and S. Du*, “Shaping Biphoton Temporal Waveform with Modulated Classical Fields”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104.183604 (2010).
19. J. F. Chen, S. Wang, D. Wei, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and S. Du*, “Optical Coherent Transients in cold atoms: From Free-induction Decay to Optical Precursors”, Phys. Rev. A 81, 0033844 (2010).
20. J. F. Chen, M. M. T. Loy, G. K.L. Wong, and S. Du*, “Optical Precursors with Finite Rise and Fall Time”, Journal of Optics 12, 104010 (2010).
21. J. F. Chen, W. Lu, S. Wang, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and S. Du*, “Two-Photon Free-Induction Decay with Electromagnetically Induced Transparency”, Opt. Lett. 35, 1923 (2010).
22. D. Wei, J. F. Chen, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and S. Du*, “Optical Precursors with Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Cold Atom”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 093602 (2009).