冯军 教授
研究领域:先进电子材料、能源环境材料制备和表征 、液晶材料、超快测量和动力学、量子显微镜 、同步辐射、自由电子激光、 生物交叉学科
冯军教授现为深圳量子科学与工程研究院和南方科技大学材料科学与工程系双聘长聘教授。1986年获得四川大学物理系理学学士学位,1991年获得中科院近代物理研究所理学博士学位。曾先后在日本理化学研究所、上海应用物理研究所、加州大学伯克利分校劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室做研究工作。曾获得中科院青年科学家奖、国家杰出青年基金、中科院自然科学一等奖、国家自然科学二等奖、2017年世界研发R&D100发明奖、劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室2003和2011杰出研究绩效奖。目前从事先进电子材料、能源环境材料制备和表征、超快测量和动力学、量子显微镜、深圳同步辐射光源、自由电子激光等领域的研究,具有丰富的科研和大科学工程经验。他参与建造了伯克利先进光源椭圆极化谱学光束线和超高重复频率电子枪APEX,负责设计建造了劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室误差修正电子显微镜和中能X-射线共振散射光束线站,测量了磁性材料和warm dense matter 的超快动力学过程,发明了三元蒸镀高量子效率光阴极材料制备和测量新方法,研发了时间分辨230飞秒超快时间探测器及飞秒激光放大器阵列等。
1: Gregory M. Su, Isvar A. Cordova, Michael A. Yandrasits, Matthew Lindell, Jun Feng, Cheng Wang, and Ahmet Kusoglu, Chemical and Morphological Origins of Improved Ion Conductivity in Perfluoro Ionene Chain Extended Ionomers, Journal of the American Chemical society, 141, 13547(2019)
2: Yan Xu, Yifan Ye,Shuyang Zhao, Jun Feng, Jia Li, Hao Chen, Ankun Yang, Feifei Shi,Lujie Jia, Yang Wu, Xiaoyun Yu, Per-Anders Glans-Suzuki, Yi Cui, Jinghua Guo, and Yuegang Zhang, In Situ X‑ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation of the Capacity Degradation Mechanism in Mg/S Batteries, Nano Lett, 19, 2928(2019)
3: A. Scholl , M.A. Marcus , A. Doran , J.R.Nasiatka , A.T. Young , A .A . MacDowell , R. Streubel , N. Kent , Jun Feng , W.Wan , H.A. Padmore, Hartmann characterization of the PEEM-3 aberration-corrected X-ray photoemission electron microscope, Ultramicroscpy, 188, 77(2018)
4: L Zhang, M Ling, Jun Feng, L Mai, G Liu, J Guo, The synergetic interaction between LiNO3 and lithium polysulfides for suppressing shuttle effect of lithium-sulfur batteries,
, Energy Storage Materials 11, (2018)24-29
5: Rita Wang, Deep B.Shah, J Maslyn, W Loo, K Wujcik, E. Nelson, M. Latimer, Jun Feng, DPrendergast, T. Pascal and Nitash Balsara, Rate Constants of Electrochemical Reactions in a Lithium-Sulfur Cell determined by Operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy, Journal of The Electrochemical Society ,165 , A3487(2018)
6: S.Karkare, J.Feng, X.Chen, W.Wan, J.Palomares, T.C.Chiag, H.PAdmore, Reduction of intrinsic photocathodes using ordered crystalline surfaces, Phys.Rev.Lett., 118,164802(2017)
7: Jun Feng, S.Karkare, J.Nasiatka, S.Schubert, J.Smedley, H.PAdmore Near Atomically smooth alkali antimonide photocathode thin files, J.of App.Phys. 121,044904(2017)
8: Y Opachich, J Koch, P Bell, D Bradley, N Chen, Jun Feng, A Gopal, A Semiconductor-Based High-Yield X-Ray Photocathode, LO-007-17, Nevada National Security Site/Mission Support and Test Services LLC, 2016, DOE/NV/03624-0261
9: S.Gupta, Jun Feng, L.Chan, C.Petzold, C.Ralston, Synchrotron X-ray footprinting as a method to visualize water in proteins, J.Synchrotron Rad., 23,1056(2016)
10: L.Poyneer, N.F.Brejnholt, R.Hill, J.Jackson, L.Hagler,R.Celestre, Jun Feng, X-ray metrology and performance of a 45-cm long x-ray deformable mirror, Rev. Sci. Instru., 87, 052003(2016)
11: Jun Feng, J.Nasiatka, Weishi, Wan, S.Karkare, J.Smedley, H.Padmore, Thermal Limit to the intrinsic from metal photocathodes, Applied Physics Letters, 107,
12: J. Feng, J. Nasiatka, W. Wan, T. Vecchione, and H. A. Padmore, A novel system for measurement of the transverse electron momentum distribution from photocathodes, Rev. Sci. Instrum, 86, 015103 (2015)
13: A. Polyakov,C. Senft, K. F. Thompson, J. Feng, S.Cabrini, P. J. Schuck, and H. A. Padmore Plasmon-Enhanced Photocathode for High Brightness and High Repetition Rate X-Ray Sources , Phy. Rev.Lett., 110, 076802 (2013)
14: , R.K.Li, , H.To, G. Andonian, J. Feng, A. Polyakov, C. M. Scoby, K. Thompson,W. Wan, H.A. Padmore, and P. Musumeci, Surface- Plasmon Resonance-Enhanced Multiphoton Emission of High-Brightness Electron Beams from a Nanostructured Copper cathode, Phy. Rev.Lett., 110, 074801 (2013)
15: F. Sannibale, D. Filippetto, C. F. Papadopoulos, J. Staples, R. Wells, B. Bailey, K.
Baptiste, J. Corlett, C. Cork,S. De Santis, S. Dimaggio, L. Doolittle, J. Doyle, Jun Feng, D. Garcia Quintas, G. Huang, H. Huang, T. Kramasz,S. Kwiatkowski, R. Lellinger, V. Moroz, W. E. Norum, H. Padmore, C. Pappas, G. Portmann, T.Vecchione,M. Vinco, M. Zolotorev, and F. Zucca,Advanced photoinjector experiment photogun commissioning results, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 15, (2012)103501
16: T.Vecchione, I.Ben-Zvi, D.H.Dowell, J.Feng, T.Rao, J.Smedley, W.Wan, H.A.PAdmore A low emittance and high efficiency visible light photocathode for high
brightness accelerator based x-ray light source, Apllied Physics Letters, 99, 034103(2011)
17: B. I. Cho,K. Engelhorn,A. A. Correa,T. Ogitsu,C. P.Weber,H. J. Lee, J. Feng, P. A. Ni,Y. Ping,A. J. Nelson,D. Prendergast, R.W.Lee, R.W. Falcone,and P. A. Heimann, Electronic Structure of Warm Dense Copper Studied by Ultrafast X-Ray
Absorption Spectroscopy, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 106,167601 (2011)
18: J.Feng, K.Engelhorn, B.I.Cho, H.J.Lee, M.Greaves, C.P.Weber, R.W.Falcone, H.A.Padmore, P.A.Heimann A grazing incidence x-ray streak camera for ultra-fast, single shot measurement , Applied Physics Letters, 96, 134102(2010)
19: J. Feng, H. J. Shin, J. R. Nasiatka, W. Wan, A. T. Young, G. Huang, A. Comin,
J. Byrd, and H. A. Padmore, An x-ray streak camera with high spatio-temporal resolution, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 134102 (2007)
20: J Feng, E Forest, A AMacDowell, M Marcus, H Padmore, S Raoux, D Robin, A Scholl, R Schlueter, P Schmid, J Stöhr, W Wan, D H Wei and Y Wu An x-ray photoemission electron microscope using an electron mirror aberrationcorrector for the study of complex materials, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, S1339 (2005)
1) Book chapter: Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM), Jun Feng and Andreas Scholl, Book Title: Science of Microscopy, Edited by Dr.Peter Hawkes and John Spence, page 657-696, published by Klumer/Springer Academic publishers in
2007, 2019 2nd edition.