宋学锋 副研究员
1999 – 2003, 北京大学物理系,获学士学位
2003 – 2009, 北京大学物理学院凝聚态物理专业,获理学博士学位
2020 – 至今,深圳量子科学与工程研究院,副研究员
2017 – 2020,南方科技大学创新创业学院,副教授
2016 – 2017,芬兰阿尔托大学应用物理系, 研究员
2012 – 2015,芬兰O.V.Lounasmaa实验室, 芬兰科学院项目#259912负责人(PI)
2009 – 2012,芬兰赫尔辛基理工大学,博士后
- Sankhyabrata Bandyopadhyay, Liyang Shao, Chao Wang, Shuaiqi Liu, Qiang Wu, Guoqiang Gu, Jie Hu, Yanjun Liu, Xiaolong Chen, Zhangqi Song, Xuefeng Song, Qiaoliang Bao, Mateusz Smietana, Study on optimization of nano-coatings for ultra-sensitive biosensors based on long-period fiber grating, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research 27, 100320 (2020)
- 尹浩腾, 李成, 宋学锋, 樊尚春, 温度对石墨烯膜光纤F-P声压传感器灵敏度影响研究, 《计测技术》 40 (1), 32-36 (2020)
- Jie Hu, Liyang Shao, Guoqiang Gu, Xuming Zhang, Yanjun Liu, Xuefeng Song, Zhangqi Song, Jiansong Feng, Ryszard Buczynski, Mateusz Smietana, Taihong Wang, Tingting Lang, Dual Mach–Zehnder Interferometer Based on Side-Hole Fiber for High-Sensitivity Refractive Index Sensing, IEEE Photonics Journal, 11 (6), 7105513 (2019)
- Xuefeng Song, Mika Oksanen, Jian Li, Pertti J. Hakonen, and Mika A. Sillanpää, Graphene optomechanics realized at microwave frequencies, Physical Review Letters 113, 027404 (2014)
- Maria Berdova, Sung Un Cho, Juha-Matti Pirkkalainen, Jaakko Sulkko, Xuefeng Song, Pertti J Hakonen and Mika A Sillanpää, Micromanipulation transfer of membrane resonators for circuit optomechanics, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23, 125024 (2013)
- Xuefeng Song, Mika Oksanen, Mika A. Sillanpää, H. G. Craighead, J. M. Parpia, and Pertti J. Hakonen, Stamp transferred suspended graphene mechanical resonators for radio-frequency electrical readout, Nano Letters 12, 198–202 (2012)
- Pirjo Pasanen, Martti Voutilainen, Meri Helle, Xuefeng Song, and Pertti J Hakonen, Graphene for future electronics, Physica Scripta T146, 014025 (2012)
- Qiang Fu, Yu Jin, Xuefeng Song, Jingyun Gao, Xiaobing Han, Xingyu Jiang, Qing Zhao, and Dapeng Yu, Size-dependent mechanical properties of PVA nanofibers reduced via air plasma treatment, Nanotechnology 21, 095703 (2010)
- Qing Zhao, Jingyun Gao, Rui Zhu, Tuocheng Cai, Sheng Wang, Xuefeng Song, Zhimin Liao, Xihong Chen, and Dapeng Yu, Ultrahigh field emission current density from nitrogen-implanted ZnO nanowires, Nanotechnology 21, 095701 (2010)
- Xuefeng Song, Jingyun Gao, Qiang Fu, Qing Zhao, Jun Xu and Dapeng Yu, Novel planar field emission of ultra-thin individual carbon nanotubes, Nanotechnology 40, 405208 (2009)
- Xuefeng Song, Xiaobing Han, Qiang Fu, Jun Xu, Ning Wang and Da-Peng Yu, Electricaltransport measurements of the side-contacts and embedded-end-contacts of platinum leads on the same single-walled carbon nanotube, Nanotechnology 20, 195202 (2009)
- Xiaobing Han, Liangzhi Kou, Xiaoli Lang, Jianbai Xia, Ning Wang, Rui Qin, Jing Lu, Jun Xu, Zhimin Liao, Xinzheng Zhang, Xudong Shan, Xuefeng Song, Jingyun Gao, Wanlin Guo, and Dapeng Yu, Electronic and Mechanical Coupling in Bent ZnO Nanowires, Advanced Materials 21, 4937 (2009)
- Xiaobing Han, Guangyin Jing, Xinzheng Zhang, Renmin Ma, Xuefeng Song, Jun Xu, Zhimin Liao, Ning Wang, and Dapeng Yu, Bending-induced conductance increase in individual semiconductor nanowires and nanobelts, Nano Research 2, 553 (2009)
- Chen-Xia Zou, Jun Xu, Xin-Zheng Zhang, Xue-Feng Song, and Da-Peng Yu, Failure mechanism analysis of electromigration dominated damage in TiSi2 nanowires, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 126102 (2009)
- Q. Zhao, S. Q. Feng, Y. W. Zhu, X. Y. Xu, X. Z. Zhang, X. F. Song, J. Xu, L. Chen, and D. P. Yu, Annealing effects on field-emission properties of AlN nanorods, Nanotechnology 17, S351 (2006)
- Q. Zhao, X. Y. Xu, X. F. Song, D. P. Yu, C. P. Li and L. Guo, Enhanced field emission from ZnO nanorods via thermal annealing in oxygen, Applied Physics Letters 88, 033102 (2006)
1. 显示装置及其显示方法(Display device and display method),(已授权) 中国专利号CN101414425A,美国专利号US 20110051091 A1,国际专利号PCT/CN2008/001733 (2007)
2. 分类储存纳米碳管的方法及组装纳米碳管的方法,(已授权) 中国专利号CN101704508A (2009)
3. Tunneling accelerometer using graphene cantilever, (patent pending) 美国专利号US62/394256 (2016)
4. 一种电动拉针装置,(实审中)中国专利申请号201910496247.X (2019)
5. 一种可移动式水质监测仪和水质检测方法,(实审中) 中国专利申请号201910503238.9 (2019)
6. 一种悬空石墨烯结构的制备方法及由其得到的悬空石墨烯结构和应用,(已提交)中国专利申请号202010127240.3 (2020)