
姓名: 曾俊凯




研究领域: 量子控制的理论与软件,量子动力学,量子算法


2014.08-2019.9 博士 弗吉尼亚理工

2010.08-2014.07 学士 中国科学技术大学


2021.09至今 研究助理教授 深圳量子科学与研究院

2019.11-2021.03 Senior Quantum Control Engineer, Q-CTRL


(6). Dynamically corrected gates from geometric space curves, E Barnes, FA Calderon-Vargas, W Dong, B Li, J Zeng, F Zhuang, arXiv:2103.16015 (2021)

(5). Designing arbitrary single-axis rotations robust against perpendicular time-dependent noise, B Li, FA Calderon-Vargas, J Zeng, E Barnes, New Journal of Physics 23 (9), 093032 (2021)

(4). Noise-resistant Landau-Zener sweeps from geometrical curves, F Zhuang, J Zeng, SE Economou, E Barnes, arXiv:2103.07586 (2021)

(3). Geometric formalism for constructing arbitrary single-qubit dynamically corrected gates, J Zeng, CH Yang, AS Dzurak, E Barnes, Physical Review A 99 (5), 052321 (2019)

(2). Fastest pulses that implement dynamically corrected single-qubit phase gates, J Zeng, E Barnes, Physical Review A 98 (1), 012301 (2018)

(1). General solution to inhomogeneous dephasing and smooth pulse dynamical decoupling, J Zeng, XH Deng, A Russo, E Barnes, New Journal of Physics 20 (3), 033011 (2018)