教育经历 :

(1) 2012-08 至 2018-07, 清华大学, 电子科学与技术, 博士

(2) 2008-08 至 2012-07, 清华大学, 微电子学, 学士

博士后 :

(1) 2018-08 至 2020-08, Chalmers university of technology, Sweden

科研与学术工作经历 (博士后工作经历除外):

(1) 2022-05 至 今, 深圳量子科学与工程研究院, 助理研究员

(2) 2020-08 至 2022-05, 腾讯, 量子实验室, 研究员


1.       Cheng, B. et al. Noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. Front. Phys. 18, 21308 (2023).

2. Yin, Z. et al. Shortcuts to adiabaticity for open systems in circuit quantum electrodynamics. Nat. Commun. 13, 188 (2022).

3. Gu, X., Allcock, J., An, S. & Liu, Y. Efficient multi-qubit subspace rotations via topological quantum walks. arXiv 2111.06534 (2021).

4. Zhou, Y. et al. Rapid and unconditional parametric reset protocol for tunable superconducting qubits. Nat. Commun. 12, 5924 (2021).

5. Gu, X. et al. Fast Multiqubit Gates through Simultaneous Two-Qubit Gates. PRX Quantum 2, 040348 (2021).

6. Bengtsson, A. et al. Improved Success Probability with Greater Circuit Depth for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm. Phys. Rev. Appl. 14, 034010 (2020).

7. Long, J. et al. Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics with Nested Polariton States. Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 083602 (2018).

8. Gu, X., Kockum, A. F., Miranowicz, A., Liu, Y.-X. & Nori, F. Microwave photonics with superconducting quantum circuits. Phys. Rep. 718719, 1–102 (2017).

9. Gu, X., Huai, S. N., Nori, F. & Liu, Y. X. Polariton states in circuit QED for electromagnetically induced transparency. Phys. Rev. A 93, 063827 (2016).

10. Wang, Z., Gu, X., Wu, L.-A. & Liu, Y.-X. Quantum simulation of pairing Hamiltonians with nearest-neighbor-interacting qubits. Phys. Rev. A 93, 062301 (2016).

11. Wang, H., Gu, X., Liu, Y.-X., Miranowicz, A. & Nori, F. Tunable photon blockade in a hybrid system consisting of an optomechanical device coupled to a two-level system. Phys. Rev. A 92, 033806 (2015).

12. Wang, H., Gu, X., Liu, Y.-X., Miranowicz, A. & Nori, F. Optomechanical analog of two-color electromagnetically induced transparency: Photon transmission through an optomechanical device with a two-level system. Phys. Rev. A 90, 023817 (2014).