Essential Information

Name:Zhongkai Wang

Position:Research Assistant professor

Highest Degree:Doctor of Philosophy in Radio Physics

Research Field:experiments with quantum gases, quantum simulation

Educational Background

2009.08-2015.07, Ph.D. in Radio Physics, Peking University

2005.09-2009.07, B.S. in Electronic Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology

Working Experience

2019.06—present   Institute of Quantum Science and Engineering in Sustech. Research Assistant professor

2019.01-2019.05   Southern University of Science and Technology, Department of Physics, visiting scholar

2018.06-2018.12   Institute of Laser Physics, Hamburg university, Germany, visiting scholar

2016.06-2018.04   Shanghai Chuangyuan Instrument Co., Ltd.,Deputy Director of Technology

Papers and Patents

(6). Observation of quantum dynamical oscillations of ultracold atoms in the F and D bands of an optical lattice,Zhongkai Wang, Baoguo Yang, Dong Hu, Xuzong Chen, Xiaoji Zhou, Phys. Rev. A 94, 033624(2016)

(5). A method to calibrate the deviation of hybrid trap by frequency measurement,Zhongkai Wang, Dong. Hu, Linxiao. Niu, Jiahua Zhang, Xuzong Chen, Xiaoji Zhou, Chin. Phys. Lett. 32,5, 054208(2015)

(4). Asymmetric superradiant scattering and abnormal mode amplification induced by atomic density distortion, Zhongkai Wang, Linxiao Niu, Pang Zhang, Mingxuan Wen, Zhen Fang, Xuzong Chen, XiaoJi Zhou, Opt. Express 21, 14377(2013)

(3). Observation of diffraction phases in matter-wave scattering, Xuguang Yue, Yueyang Zhai, Zhongkai Wang, Hongwei Xiong, Xuzong Chen, and Xiaoji Zhou, Phys. Rev. A 88, 013603(2013)

(2). Decoherence of superradiant scattering from atoms without confinement, Mingxuan Wen, Linxiao Niu, Zhongkai Wang, Yueyang Zhai, Xuzong Chen, and Xiaoji Zhou, Chin. Phys. Lett. 30, 060304 (2013).

(1). Manipulating the momentum state of a condensate by sequences of standing-wave pulses, Wei Xiong, Xuguang Yue, Zhongkai Wang, Xiaoji Zhou, and Xuzong Chen, Phys. Rev. A 84, 043616(2011)