Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering

Paper total: 12

Scientists successfully demonstrate path-independe

2832 admin 01/22/24

Anyons, unique quasiparticles in two-dimensional space, play a crucial role in universal topological quantum computat

Researchers make advances in geometric and deforma

3605 admin 09/15/23

In the field of mathematical physics, the mathematical foundation of quantum mechanics is based on the celebrated Dir

Researchers explain why energy can travel much fas

4709 admin 06/19/23

In a microcavity, consisting of two parallel mirrors separated at a small distance, light couples very strongly to ma

Researchers achieve breakthrough in quantum error

6869 admin 03/23/23

Although quantum information processing based on superconducting quantum circuit systems has made great progress in r

Scientists realize ultralow-loss and high-fidelity

5283 admin 02/14/23

In recent years, superconducting quantum computing has developed rapidly with the potential to scale to thousa

Researchers make progress in application of larger

4705 admin 11/23/22

Quantum computing has the potential to surpass classical computing in solving some problems, including database searc

Researchers make important progress in field of qu

3943 admin 07/30/22

The spurious ZZ interaction between qubits is a common crosstalk phenomenon in superconducting qubit chips, wh

Scientists realize ultralow-loss and high-fidelity

2504 管理员 02/16/23

In recent years, superconducting quantum computing has developed rapidly with the potential to scale to thousands of

publications 2020

2817 Liu Fanglu 06/05/2020

1 Vector Vortex Beam Emitter Embedded in a Photonic Chip By: Chen, Yuan; Xia, Ke-Yu

publications 2019

4277 Liu Fanglu 10/11/2019

1 Plug-and-Play Approach to Nonadiabatic Geometric Quantum Gates Liu, Ba

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