Paper total: 12

Scientists successfully demonstrate path-independe
Anyons, unique quasiparticles in two-dimensional space, play a crucial role in universal topological quantum computat

Researchers make advances in geometric and deforma
In the field of mathematical physics, the mathematical foundation of quantum mechanics is based on the celebrated Dir

Researchers explain why energy can travel much fas
In a microcavity, consisting of two parallel mirrors separated at a small distance, light couples very strongly to ma

Researchers achieve breakthrough in quantum error
Although quantum information processing based on superconducting quantum circuit systems has made great progress in r

Scientists realize ultralow-loss and high-fidelity
In recent years, superconducting quantum computing has developed rapidly with the potential to scale to thousa

Researchers make progress in application of larger
Quantum computing has the potential to surpass classical computing in solving some problems, including database searc

Researchers make important progress in field of qu
The spurious ZZ interaction between qubits is a common crosstalk phenomenon in superconducting qubit chips, wh

Scientists realize ultralow-loss and high-fidelity
In recent years, superconducting quantum computing has developed rapidly with the potential to scale to thousands of
publications 2020
1 Vector Vortex Beam Emitter Embedded in a Photonic Chip By: Chen, Yuan; Xia, Ke-Yu
publications 2019
1 Plug-and-Play Approach to Nonadiabatic Geometric Quantum Gates Liu, Ba