Essential Information

Name:Weijie Guo

Position:Research Assistant professor

Highest Degree:Doctor of Philosophy in Microwave Engineering

Research Field:superconducting detector, superconducting quantum device

Educational Background

2011.09-2016.07, Ph.D. in Microwave Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University

2006.09-2010.07, B.S. in Information Engineering, Zhejiang University

Working Experience

2019.08-present Research Assistant professor, Institute of Quantum Science and Engineering in Sustech

2018.03-2019.07 Sales Engineer, Quantum Design China

2017.02-2018.03 Guest Researcher, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Papers and Patents

(9) M. Dai, W. Guo, X. Liu, et al., Measurement of Optical Constants of TiN and TiN/Ti/TiN Multilayer Films for Microwave Kinetic Inductance Photon-Number-Resolving Detectors, Journal of Low Temperature Physics(2018)

(8) X. Liu,W. Guo*, Y. Wang, et al., Superconducting micro-resonator arrays with ideal frequency spacing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111 252601(2017)

(7) W. Guo, X. Liu, Y. Wang, et al., Counting near infrared photons with microwave kinetic inductance detectors, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 212601 (2017)

(6) W. Guo, Y. Wang, L. F. Wei, Controllable photon bunching by atomic superpositions in a driven cavity, Phys. Rev. A 93, 043809 (2016)

(5) W. Guo, F. Dan, L. F. Wei, Experimentally testing Bell’s theorem based on Hardy’s nonlocal ladder proofs, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 58 1-5 (2015)

(4) X. Liu, W. Guo, Y. Wang, L. F. Wei, C. M. Mckenney, B. Dober, T. Billings, J. Hubmayr, L. S. Ferreira, M. R. Vissers, and J. Gao, Cryogenic LED pixel-to-frequecny mapper for kinetic inductance detector arrays, Journal of Applied Physics 122,034502 (2017)

(3) Dai-He, F., Mao-Chun, D., Wei-Jie, G., and Lian-Fu, W, Experimentally testing Hardy’s theorem on nonlocality with entangled mixed states, Chin. Phys. B, 26, 040302 (2017)

(2) W Yao, F Dai-He, G Wei-Jie, and W Lian-Fu, et al., Strong violations of locality by testing Bell’s inequality with improved entangled-photon systems, Chin. Phys. B, 24 084203 (2015)

(1) D Fan, W Guo, L Wei, Experimentally testing the Bell inequality violation by optimizing the measurement settings, JOSA B 29, 3429-3433 (2012)