Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering

News total: 64

SUSTech Academicians plant trees in city park duri

3522 IequalsFt 04/18/18

March 12th is China's annual Tree-Planting Day, which was created in 1981. On this day, Chinese people, from all walk

Progress: Long-sought Negative Magnetoresistance i

3395 IequalsFt 04/18/18

Recently, Associate Prof. He Hongtao and Associate Prof. Lu Haizhou made a new progress in the research on topologi

2017 Graduate Cequn Li’s results published in Phys

3676 admin 04/12/18

Recently, the prestigious physics journal “Physical Review Letters”, known as PRL, published a solid research entitle

Dean of IQSE Dapeng YU

2678 admin 03/23/18

SIQSE will strive to address major scientific and engineering issues on quantum information, cultivate global scientifi

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