Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering

Considering the stability of web service, our group page has been moved to this following link

1. The group webpage:

2. My personal webpage:

Our group are the theoretical group of the following projects:

1. Superconducting quantum computing and quantum control in multi-qubit system (省重大专项)

2.Quantum control of quantum dot qubit (深圳市孔雀团队)

Quantum dynamics is the study of the mathematics behind quantum mechanics.Specifically, as a study of dynamics, this field investigates how quantum mechanical observables change over time. Most fundamentally, this involves the study of one-parameter automorphisms of the algebra of all bounded operators on the Hilbert space of observables (which are self-adjoint operators). These dynamics were understood as early as the 1930s, after Wigner, Stone, Hahn and Hellinger worked in the field. Recently, mathematicians in the field have studied irreversible quantum mechanical systems on von Neumann algebras.

Currently, I am interested in the following fields:

Driven quantum system dynamics
Physics of solid state quantum computing
Quantum algorithm and software
1. Quantum control
-- Physical realization of quantum logic gates
-- Optimization of control waveform and quantum circuit

2. Periodically driven system and discrete time crystal

1. Superconducting qubits and Circuit QED

2. Hybrid qubits and hybrid network

3. Decoherence mechanism and open quantum system

4. Dispersive measurement

1. Digital/analog quantum simulation

2. Quantum machine learning

3. Quantum error correction and graph state

Xiu-Hao Deng

Principle Investigator

Associate Researcher

Email: dengxh(at)

Ying-Ying Han

Postdoctoral associate

Quantum control, periodically-driven system, quantum optics


Yong-Ju Hai

Undergrad-->Grad student

Periodically-driven system


Yao Song

Grad student

working on superconducting qubit, optimal control



  • Liang Jiang (professor in Yale University) -- Theoretical study on superconducting qubits, quantum control and Floquet system.
  • Yuanzhen Chen (professor in SUSTech) -- Experimental study on superconducting qubits and quantum control.
  • D. Pappa (Prof. in CU Boulder and NIST) & Junling Long -- Experimental study on superconducting qubits and quantum control.

Conference organized:

QIP 2020 (quantum information processing)

Workshop on QAS 2019 (Summer workshop on quantum algorithm and software)

Seminar and meetings:

Time Location Contents
Thursday 7pm-9pm Taizhou Building 502-3 Theory group journal club
Wednesday 7pm-9pm 2nd Research Building 102 Experimental group journal club

We have many opening positions:

· Research assistant professor

· Postdocs

· Ph.D. /M.D. Students

· Internship

· Research assistant

Contact me for more information dengxh(at)

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