Announcements total: 16
量子科学与工程研究院恭祝您2022元旦快乐!New Year Greetings from SIQS
一气回钧万事新,由来元旦属初旬。 2021年,量子科学与工程研究院感谢各位的支持与陪伴。 2022年,祝各位来年多喜乐,长安宁,岁无忧,有可期,共圆满。 新年快乐!
Global Scientist Interdisciplinary Online Forum·20
南科大量子科学与工程研究院 广邀海内外优秀人才参加 2022国际交叉学科云论坛 Global Scientist Interdiscip
Notice on May Day Holiday Arrangements of 2021
Notice on May Day Holiday Arrangements of 2021 Dear All, As per the publ
The 3rd World Laureates Forum
Quantum Science:The Key to a Secret World 1 Quantum Shines into Reality
Notice on Dragon Boat Festival Holiday Arrangement
iii. During the festival, all units shall arrange staff members on duty properly and make preparation
Notice of Attending Meeting:A Symposium on Fractio
A Symposium on Fractional Quantum Hall Effect As a typical representative of the topological qua
Notice of Holiday and Teaching Arrangement for SU
Dear SUSTech Members, As per the official holiday arrangement for 2020 issued by the General Offic
Notice on Guideline for Discerning Fake Masks from
I Category of masks for preventing novel coronavirus infection 1. Disposable surgical mask
Notice on Daily Online Report of Health Condition
Notice on Daily Online Report of Health Condition ofAll Faculty, Staff and Students February 5, 2020 Dear all, As per
Global Scientist Interdisciplinary Forum·2020
Global Scientist Interdisciplinary Forum·2020 January 3-5, 2020 Shenzhen, P. R.