Youpeng Zhong Associate Researcher
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Research Field:Superconducting quantum computing
Essential Information
Name: Youpeng Zhong
Position: Associate researcher
Highest Degree:Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Engineering
Telephone (office):
Office: Futian Room 814
Research Field: Superconducting quantum computing
Educational Background
2015.08-2019.03 Ph.D. in Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago
2013.08-2015.07 Graduate student, Zhejiang University
2009.08-2013.07 B.S. in science, Zhejiang University
Working Experience
2022.01- present Associate researcher, Shenzhen institute for quantum science and engineering, SUSTech
2020.11-2022.01 Assistant researcher, Shenzhen institute for quantum science and engineering, SUSTech
2019.05-2020.10 Post-doctoral researcher, University of Chicago
Research Highlights
High fidelity microwave quantum state transfer with remotely-connected qubits on a single chip:
Y.P. Zhong, et al., Nature Physics 15, 741 (2019)
Deterministically transfer a multi-qubit entangled state across chips for first time:
Y. Zhong, et al., Nature 590, 571 (2021)
Papers and Patents
(24). H. Yan#, Y. Zhong#(equal contribution), H.-S. Chang, A. Bienfait, M.-H. Chou, C. R. Conner, É. Dumur, J. Grebel, R. G. Povey, and A. N. Cleland. Entanglement purification and protection in a superconducting quantum network. Arxiv: 2201.10679, Physical Review Letters, accepted (2022).
(23). Jiawei Qiu, Yuxuan Zhou, Chang-Kang Hu, Jiahao Yuan, Libo Zhang, Ji Chu, Wenhui Huang, Weiyang Liu, Kai Luo, Zhongchu Ni, Xianchuang Pan, Zhixuan Yang, Yimeng Zhang, Yuanzhen Chen, Xiu-Hao Deng, Ling Hu, Jian Li, Jingjing Niu, Yuan Xu, Tongxing Yan, Youpeng Zhong, Song Liu, Fei Yan, and Dapeng Yu.Suppressing coherent two-qubit errors via dynamical decoupling. Physical Review Applied, 6, 054047 (2021).
(22). É. Dumur, K.J. Satzinger, G. A. Peairs, M.-H. Chou, A. Bienfait, H.-S. Chang, C. R. Conner, J. Grebel, R. G. Povey, Y.P. Zhong, and A. N. Cleland. Quantum communication with itinerant surface acoustic wave phonons. npj Quantum Information, 7, 173 (2021).
(21). J. Grebel, A. Bienfait, É. Dumur, H.-S. Chang, M.-H. Chou, C. R. Conner, G. A. Peairs, R. G. Povey, Y.P. Zhong, and A. N. Cleland. Flux-pumped impedance-engineered broadband Josephson parametric amplifier. Applied Physics Letters, 118, 142601 (2021).
(20). C. R. Conner, A. Bienfait, H.-S. Chang, M.-H. Chou, É. Dumur, J. Grebel, G. A. Peairs, R. G. Povey, H. Yan, Y. Zhong, and A. N. Cleland. Superconducting qubits in a flip-chip architecture. Applied Physics Letters, 118, 232602 (2021).
(19). Y. Zhong, H.-S. Chang, A. Bienfait, É. Dumur, M.-H. Chou, C. R. Conner, J. Grebel, G. A. Peairs, R. G. Povey, D. I. Schuster and A. N. Cleland. Deterministic multi-qubit entanglement in a quantum network. Nature, 590, 571-575 (2021).
(18). H.-S. Chang, Y. P. Zhong, A. Bienfait, M.-H. Chou, C. R. Conner, É. Dumur, J. Grebel, G. A. Peairs, R. G. Povey, K. J. Satzinger and A. N. Cleland. Remote entanglement via adiabatic passage using a tunably dissipative quantum communication system. Physical Review Letters 124, 240502 (2020).
(17). A. Bienfait, Y. P. Zhong, H.-S. Chang, M.-H. Chou, C. R. Conner, É. Dumur, J. Grebel, G. A. Peairs, R. G. Povey, K. J. Satzinger and A. N. Cleland. Quantum erasure using entangled surface acoustic phonons. Physical Review X 10, 021055 (2020).
(16). H.-S. Chang, K. J. Satzinger, Y. P. Zhong, A. Bienfait, M.-H. Chou, C. R. Conner, É. Dumur, J. Grebel, G. A. Peairs, R. G. Povey, and A. N. Cleland. A fast and large bandwidth superconducting variable coupler. Applied Physics Letters 117, 244001 (2020).
(15). G. A. Peairs, M.-H. Chou, A. Bienfait, H.-S. Chang, C. R. Conner, É. Dumur, J. Grebel, R. G. Povey, E. Sahin, K. J. Satzinger, Y. P. Zhong, and A. N. Cleland. Continuous and time-domain coherent signal conversion between optical and microwave frequencies. Physical Review Applied 14, 061001 (2020).
(14). M.-H. Chou, É. Dumur, Y. P. Zhong, G. A. Peairs, A. Bienfait, H.-S. Chang, C. R. Conner, J. Grebel, R. G. Povey, K. J. Satzinger, and A. N. Cleland. Measurements of a quantum bulk acoustic resonator using a superconducting qubit. Applied Physics Letters 117, 254001 (2020).
(13). Y. P. Zhong, H.-S. Chang, K. J. Satzinger, M.-H. Chou, A. Bienfait, C. R. Conner, É. Dumur, J. Grebel, G. A. Peairs, R. G. Povey, D. I. Schuster and A. N. Cleland. Violating Bell’s inequality with remotely connected superconducting qubits. Nature Physics 15, 741–744 (2019).
(12). A. Bienfait, K. J. Satzinger, Y. P. Zhong, H.-S. Chang, M.-H. Chou, C. R. Conner, É. Dumur, J. Grebel, G. A. Peairs, R. G. Povey and A. N. Cleland. Phonon-mediated quantum state transfer and remote qubit entanglement. Science 364, 368-371 (2019).
(11). É. Dumur, K. J. Satzinger, G. A. Peairs, M.-H. Chou, A. Bienfait, H.-S. Chang, C. R. Conner, J. Grebel, R. G. Povey, Y. P. Zhong and A. N. Cleland. Unidirectional distributed acoustic reflection transducers for quantum applications. Applied Physics Letters 114, 223501 (2019).
(10). K. J. Satzinger, C. R. Conner, A. Bienfait, H.-S. Chang, M.-H. Chou, A. Y. Cleland, É. Dumur, J. Grebel, G. A. Peairs, R. G. Povey, S. J. Whiteley, Y. P. Zhong, D. D. Awschalom, D. I. Schuster and A. N. Cleland. Simple non-galvanic flip-chip integration method for hybrid quantum systems. Applied Physics Letters 114, 173501 (2019).
(9). K. J. Satzinger, Y. P. Zhong, H.-S. Chang, G. A. Peairs, A. Bienfait, M.-H. Chou, A. Y. Cleland, C. R. Conner, É. Dumur, J. Grebel, I. Gutierrez, B. H. November, R. G. Povey, S. J. Whiteley, D. D. Awschalom, D. I. Schuster and A. N. Cleland. Quantum control of surface acoustic-wave phonons. Nature 563, 661-665 (2018).
(8). Y. P. Zhong, D. Xu, P. Wang, C. Song, Q. J. Guo, W. X. Liu, K. Xu, B. X. Xia, C. Y. Lu, S. Han, J. W. Pan and H. Wang. Emulating anyonic fractional statistical behavior in a superconducting quantum circuit. Physical Review Letters 117, 110501 (2016).
(7). H. K. Xu, C. Song, W. Y. Liu, G. M. Xue, F. F. Su, H. Deng, Y. Tian, D. N. Zheng, S. Han, Y. P. Zhong, H. Wang, Y. X. Liu and S. P. Zhao. Coherent population transfer between uncoupled or weakly coupled states in ladder-type superconducting qutrits. Nature Communications 7, 11018 (2016).
(6). D. V. Averin, K. Xu, Y. P. Zhong, C. Song, H. Wang and S. Han. Suppression of dephasing by qubit motion in superconducting circuits. Physical Review Letters 116, 010501 (2016).
(5). S. B. Zheng, Y. P. Zhong, K. Xu, Q. J. Wang, H. Wang, L. T. Shen, C. P. Yang, J. M. Martinis, A. N. Cleland and S. Y. Han. Quantum delayed-choice experiment with a beam splitter in a quantum superposition. Physical Review Letters 115, 260403 (2015).
(4). M. Feng, Y. P. Zhong, T. Liu, L. L. Yan, W. L. Yang, J. Twamley and H. Wang. Exploring the quantum critical behaviour in a driven Tavis–Cummings circuit. Nature Communications 6, 7111 (2015).
(3). Y. P. Zhong, Z. L. Wang, J. M. Martinis, A. N. Cleland, A. N. Korotkov and H. Wang. Reducing the impact of intrinsic dissipation in a superconducting circuit by quantum error detection. Nature Communications 5, 3135 (2014).
(2). Z. L. Wang, Y. P. Zhong, L. J. He, H. Wang, J. M. Martinis, A. N. Cleland and Q. W. Xie. Quantum state characterization of a fast tunable superconducting resonator. Applied Physics Letters 102, 163503 (2013).
(1). X. Y. LinPeng, H. Z. Zhang, K. Xu, C. Y. Li, Y. P. Zhong, Z. L. Wang, H. Wang, and Q. W. Xie. Joint quantum state tomography of an entangled qubit–resonator hybrid. New Journal of Physics 15, 125027 (2013).