Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering

News total: 64

SUSTech hosts seminar and forum on condensed matte

3503 admin 01/17/19

Last weekend, Southern University of Science and University (SUSTech) took the role as key organizer of the Nanshan A

SIQSE Held a full-time staff 2018 general meeting

5287 Liu Fanglu 11/14/18

The institute for quantum science and engineering (SIQSE) holds the institute's full-time staff 2018 general meeting

Global Scientist Interdisciplinary Forum 2019

9646 Liu Fanglu 10/18/18

Global Scientist Interdisciplinary·2019 January 4-6, 2019 Shenzhen, P. R. China

MIT and SUSTech announce Centers for Mechanical En

6085 admin 06/20/18

Two centers located in Shenzhen, China, and Cambridge, Massachusetts, will facilitate collaborative research opportun

Hong Kong-Shenzhen Workshop on Quantum Information

6473 admin 05/28/18

From 21st to 24th May, 2018, the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Workshop on Quantum Information Science was held in Southern

Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Enginee

5375 admin 03/23/18

As one of the first three “Ten Basic Research Institutions”in Shenzhen, founded on Dec. 2017. The research team was le

Scientists realize ultralow-loss and high-fidelity

2584 管理员 02/16/23

In recent years, superconducting quantum computing has developed rapidly with the potential to scale to thousands of

Jian-Wei Pan Is on the 2018 TIME 100 List

6069 管理员 04/23/18

Jian-Wei Pan Is on the 2018 TIME 100 List

Academician Wang Enge Reveals the Future of Physic

3269 IequalsFt 04/19/18

On the afternoon of December 12, 2017, Academician Wang Enge, a professor of the Peking University School of Physics

Prof. Xie Xincheng, Dean of the School of Physics,

3616 IequalsFt 04/19/18

On the morning of April 1st 2017, Prof. Xie Xincheng, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dean of the Peking U

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